Alerts for UpWork Jobs

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🔔 Get notified when a qualified job is posted.
🎉 Land the job!

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  • Daily job emails tailored just for you
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Unlimited Filters
  • Email support
  • Checks UpWork once a day
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  • Daily Jobs email tailored just for you
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Unlimited Filter
  • Email support
  • Checks UpWork every hour
  • [coming soon] - AI Proposals
  • [coming soon] - Slack notifications
  • [coming soon] - Whatsapp notifications

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Job Hunting SUCKS

Let's be honest, job hunting is a major bummer. It's a time suck ⏰, and for every perfect job, there are100sof not-so-perfect job listings that just drain your energy ⚡️.

Because of that, we send you custom job reports!
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Loved by freelancers around the world

“I love recieving only the jobs that are a perfect fit for me. UpScout saves me at least 2.5 hours a week.”

Hunter Stevens

“UpScout has transformed the way I search for jobs. I no longer waste time sifting through irrelevant listings. The personalized job recommendations are a game-changer.”

Ana Silva

“Thanks to UpScout, I found my dream job as a software engineer within a week! The recommendations were spot on, and the application process was seamless.”

Lars Jensen

“The user-friendly interface and personalized job suggestions make UpScout stand out from the rest. It helped me find a marketing position that perfectly matches my skills.”

Mei Wong

“UpScout's advanced filtering options saved me so much time. I found exactly what I was looking for in a project management role.”

Rajesh Kumar

“The detailed job descriptions and company insights provided by UpScout are invaluable. They helped me land a data science job with a leading tech company.”

Hanna Von H

“UpScout made my job search experience seamless and stress-free. Highly recommend for anyone looking for opportunities in the finance sector.”

Alex Rossi

“UpScout's job matching algorithm is incredibly accurate. I got interviews with top companies in the consulting industry within days of signing up.”

Yuki Tanaka

“I appreciate how UpScout keeps my preferences in mind and sends me relevant job openings. It helped me transition smoothly into a new career in graphic design.”

Elena García


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  • Daily job emails tailored just for you
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Unlimited Filters
  • Email support
  • Checks UpWork once a day
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  • Daily Jobs email tailored just for you
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Unlimited Filter
  • Email support
  • Checks UpWork every hour
  • [coming soon] - AI Proposals
  • [coming soon] - Slack notifications
  • [coming soon] - Whatsapp notifications

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • UpScout is the easiest way for UpWork freelancers to take back their time. Set up your filters and receive our daily emails with the latest jobs that match your criteria.

    Every hour you waste scrolling through UpWork is an hour you could be earning money. Let UpScout do the prospecting for you!

  • While UpWork does have filters, UpWork doesn't send daily emails with the latest jobs that match your criteria.

    Not having to manually check UpWork every day will save you time. Just check out our daily email and apply for the jobs that interest you. Buy back your time with UpScout!

  • No, we are not affiliated with UpWork. We are an independent service that helps you find the best jobs on UpWork.

  • We don't have access to your UpWork account. We send you the jobs that match your criteria via email. All we need is your email address that you provide when siging up.

  • We send you the jobs that match your criteria via email. You can apply for the jobs directly on UpWork.

  • Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.

  • Shoot us an email,